Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s inauguration as president of Mexico will soon be followed by Jair Bolsonaro’s accession to the presidency of Brazil and US President Donald Trump’s completion of two years in office. In each case, a populist leader’s rise could have been prevented, which should serve as a lesson for democrats everywhere.
Categoría: Otros
Trouble Looms for Mexico’s New President
The new leader will face many challenges, starting with his American counterpart. Damage control will be his first task.
Acepta equipo de AMLO plan de asilo de EU
REFORMA/Redacción Cancún, México (24 noviembre 2018).- El equipo de transición del Presidente electo de México, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, habría alcanzado un acuerdo para que los solicitantes de asilo centroamericanos esperen en México mientras sus casos son revisados por tribunales de Estados Unidos. En entrevista con el diario The Washington Post, la próxima Secretaria de… Seguir leyendo Acepta equipo de AMLO plan de asilo de EU
Mexico Should Not Consent to Do Washington’s Dirty Work
Immigration and trade are now closely linked, at least in Mr. Trump’s mind. There lies part of the current caravan crisis. It is not just Trumpian electioneering.
Justice or Democracy in Brazil?
Brazilian authorities have banned former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva from running for reelection, owing to a corruption conviction. Unfortunately, this strict interpretation of a statute Lula himself signed could open the way for an election result that ultimately subverts the rule of law – and takes democracy down with it.
Derrocar o no derrocar a Maduro
Hace poco, Luis Almagro, secretario general de la Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA), hizo una declaración sorprendente en un mitin en la frontera entre Colombia y Venezuela.
Venezuela Is a Disaster. Time for a Coup?
Millions of Venezuelans are hungry, ill and fleeing the country. What would justify a takeover of the Chavista regime?
El papel de México en la crisis nicaragüense
Más de 350 personas, la mayoría estudiantes y manifestantes, han muerto desde abril en Nicaragua, donde una reforma de pensiones, que al final se revocó, inició un movimiento social masivo que busca la renuncia del presidente Daniel Ortega.
Mexico and the Nicaraguan Quagmire
More than 350 people, the majority of them students and protesters, have died since April in Nicaragua, where a broad social movement seeking the resignation of President Daniel Ortega was ignited by an aborted pension reform.
Mexico Gets Its Own Trump
Of the three main contenders in Mexico’s presidential election, none was as ill-prepared as the winner, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to manage the bully in the White House. Now Mexicans will have to face the consequences of their choice, just as their country – more than most – must face the consequences of Americans’ choice in 2016.