Evo morales, Bolivia’s new president, is not Latin America’s first chief executive of indigenous origins. That was Benito Juárez of Mexico during the second half of the 19th century. And Bolivia is not “Latin” America: It and Guatemala are the only nation
Etiqueta: bolivia
Entre el 2000 y el 2003, como canciller de México, Jorge Castañeda Gutman (54) fue testigo directo de las dificultades que tenía el gobierno de Ricardo Lagos para entenderse con los países de la región. Ahora, este doctor en Historia Económica de la Universidad de París ve cómo los problemas vuel- ven a presentarse. “No… Seguir leyendo LA TERCERA REPORTAJES
Chávez Lives Castro’s Dream
Fidel Castro used his reappearance on TV late last month to show that his health has finally improved. But he also carefully staged the event to send a serious message to the world. He could have had himself filmed alongside his family or his brother and