Carlos Fuentes, Mexico’s most famous writer, and a world-known public intellectual, died Tuesday, depriving the nation of its most internationally recognized voice.
Etiqueta: intellectual
Reseña en Foreign Affairs de “Mañana Forever? Mexico and the Mexicans”
Reseña de “Mañana Forever? Mexico and the Mexicans.” en la edición Septiembre/Octubre de Foreign Affairs
The Andean engagé
The role of the politically committed intellectual has a long and ubiquitous history. The Spanish-French novelist and screenwriter Jorge Semprún, who died recently, was for many years…
Nombramiento American Philosophical Society
The American Philosophical Society, the oldest learned society in the United States, was founded in 1743 by Benjamin Franklin for the purpose of “promoting useful knowledge.” In the 21st century we sustain this mission in three principal ways. We honor