HACE APENAS POCO MÁS DE UNA DÉCADA, América Latina parecía estar en el umbral de un círculo virtuoso de progreso económico y gobernabilidad democrática mejorada, supervisado por un número creciente de gobiernos tecnocráticos de centro. En México, el presi
A Bunch Of Crooks On The Run
Early in 1964, a group active during La Violencia—a period of extreme violence and turmoil that wracked Colombia during the 1950s—launched a peasant uprising in what became known as the “Republic of Marquetalia,” a rough-and-tumble backwater of western Co
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez unwittingly revealed the truth about his secret relationship with Colombia’s FARC guerrillas in early January, a development that can be seen as one of the most important in recent times in Latin America.
To achieve his s
The Forgotten Relationship
Free from the strategic and ideological rigidities of the Cold War, Latin America in the mid-1990s looked forward to a more realistic and constructive relationship with the United States. The first Summit of the Americas in 1994, which launched negotiatio
Felipe Calderon’s daunting to-do list for Mexico
MEXICO’S SEEMINGLY endless electoral ordeal has finally concluded: Felipe Calderon took office as president on Friday, albeit under hardly auspicious circumstances. Constitutional order has prevailed — though just barely — despite the onslaught of a strid
Jabbing the U.S. and leading with his left
Evo morales, Bolivia’s new president, is not Latin America’s first chief executive of indigenous origins. That was Benito Juárez of Mexico during the second half of the 19th century. And Bolivia is not “Latin” America: It and Guatemala are the only nation
Derechos humanos
Hace un par de semanas tuve el honor de asistir a una cena de despedida ofrecida por una embajada Europea a Amerigo Incalcaterra, el virtual expulsado ex representante de la Alta Comisionada de Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, con sus amigas y a
Latin America’s Two Lefts
A perception has been growing over the last few years – and picking up strength in recent months – that Latin America is swinging back to the left. The unimpressive – and sometimes dismal – results of economic reform seem to have generated a backlash that
George W. Bush and America’s Neglected Hemisphere
When the NATO Allies gather in Istanbul, much of the talk will concern the divisions between America and Europe over Iraq. But Europe is not alone in its estrangement from the United States under President George W. Bush’s leadership. Among the vast list
Fox y los intelectuales
Es un hecho que la mayor parte de los intelectuales mexicanos odia a Vicente Fox. Pero ¿de quién es la culpa: del inculto y rijoso ex mandatario o de una intelligentsia atada a sus viejos prejuicios y privilegios? Jorge G. Castañeda responde en este lúcid