Watch Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s groundbreaking documentary “WEED” at 8 p.m. ET August 11 on CNN.
(CNN) — Over the last year, I have been working on a new documentary called “Weed.” The title “Weed” may sound cavalier, but the content is not.
Etiqueta: national
Ready for a return of Mexico’s nemesis, Enrique Pena Nieto
ON July 1, Mexico will in all likelihood vote the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which ruled the country for seven decades, back into power. The PRI’s candidate, Enrique Pena Nieto, holds an insurmountable lead late in the campaign. Many Mexican
What Latin America Can Teach Us
IN a Bertelsmann Foundation study on social justice released this fall, the United States came in dead last among the rich countries, with only Greece, Chile, Mexico and Turkey faring worse.
Double Vantage: On Jorge Castañeda
There are a few things that Mañana Forever?, Jorge Castañeda’s new book on Mexico, pointedly isn’t about. It’s not about violence, and it’s not about the immigration debate (though it does consider the effects of emigration). Above all, it’s not about the
Mexico is not condemned to failure
Reading the new book by Jorge Castañeda, Mañana Forever: Mexico and the Mexicans, I was struck by his observation that Mexicans tend to seek individual solutions to collective problems…
Calderon’s dead-end war
JORGE G. CASTAÑEDA.- Mexican President Felipe Calderon’s militarized, politicized fight against Mexico’s drug cartels has been ineffective.
A Future for Mexico
JORGE G. CASTAÑEDA & HÉCTOR AGUILAR CAMÍN.- Mexico is a prisoner of its History. Inherited ideas, sentiments and interests keep Mexico from swiftly moving to the place yearned for by its citizens. The history that has been logged in our national psyche—i
Calderón’s War of Choice
Barack Obama may not have realized it while in Iraq last week, but when he comes to Mexico on April 16, he will once again be confronting the consequences of a war of choice rushed into by an unprepared president—in this case Mexico’s Felipe Calderón. Hav
Mexico, up for grabs
CONTRARY TO recent expectations, Mexico has a competitive presidential election on its hands. With about two months to go before the July 2 vote, former front-runner Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the populist ex-mayor of Mexico City, has lost his lead in t
Mexico needs to be freed from unhealthy monopolies
Felipe Calderón, Mexico’s new president, kicked off his domestic policy agenda by launching military campaigns against drug lords and violence in Michoacán and along the US border, in Tijuana. The winner of last year’s election – if only by a hair-thin ma