Commentary : End the War That No One Wants to Wage : Drugs: Legalizing certain substances may be the only way to stop violence, corruption and the collapse of law.

In the central-western canyons of the Mexican border state of Chihuahua, where waterfalls and abandoned mines blend in with secret landing strips and vertical mountain plots, the few remaining peasants can choose between cultivating corn on barren cliffs

Relative quiet in the region is only temporary

JORGE G. CASTAÑEDA.- The perpetual seesaw in Latin American geo-politics is more vibrant than ever. The so-called “Americas-1” countries — those that are either neutral in the confrontation between the United States and Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez

Stopping Latin America’s Budding Arms Race (copy)

In recent weeks, many observers of the Latin American military situation have detected what could be the beginning of a new arms race in the region. Brazilian President Luis Inacio “Lula” da Silva was photographed boarding the Tikuna, his country’s first