Mexico was once accustomed to crises (even if it hasn’t had one for 20 years); but they typically erupted at the end of a presidential term. Peña Nieto has four more years in office, and he is constrained by the political elite that brought him to power
Etiqueta: president
Why Cuba turned
The phone call between United States President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raúl Castro, followed by the exchange of an American prisoner for three Cuban intelligence agents detained in the US, marked the most important moment in the countries’ bilate
The Savior Under Siege
Two years ago, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto took office under inauspicious circumstances.
La deuxième révolution mexicaine
Le Mexique, un pays en stagnation, infesté par la violence ces dernières années, est finalement parvenu à surmonter son malaise en 2013, grâce à un président activiste et à une coalition de partis politiques déterminés à porter le pays vers l’avant. Mais
NAFTA’s Mixed Record
When the North American Free Trade Agreement was proposed, it set off a vigorous debate across the continent about its benefits and drawbacks. Today, 20 years after it came into effect, perhaps the only thing everyone can agree on is that all sides greatl
After president’s first year, Mexico still a mess by many measures
To President Enrique Peña Nieto’s supporters, his first year in office has been a time of bold promises kept as he pursues an ambitious agenda of reforms designed, in the long term, to bring peace and economic growth to Mexico.
Some Countries Lobby for More in Race for Visas
The government of Ireland, during St. Patrick’s Day festivities, appealed directly to President Obama and Congressional leaders for special treatment. And the government of Poland squeezed Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and top lawmakers on Capitol Hi
The Future of ‘Cubazuela’
Few people around the world are more keenly interested in the health of cancer-stricken Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez than a pair of brothers in Cuba: Fidel and Raúl Castro.
Silly in Chile
It would be comic if it was not so tragic. This month, the 33-country Community of Latin American and Caribbean states, a regional grouping that lists democracy, human rights and prosperity among its core values, will swear in its new chairman: President
Un long feuilleton judiciaire et politique
Après deux procès perdus et un pourvoi en Cassation rejeté, les magistrats de la plus haute instance judiciaire du Mexique ont mis fin à la captivité de Florence Cassez, qui avait été condamnée à soixante ans de prison. L’épilogue d’un imbroglio juridique