In Mexico, dismay for the border ‘surge’ proposed in U.S. Senate immigration bill/Indigna a México el incremento de seguridad fronteriza

When Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said this week that the Senate immigration bill would transform the U.S.-Mexico boundary into “the most militarized border since the fall of the Berlin Wall,” it sounded to many here like a sensible statement of criticism./

La militarización de la frontera es un agravio para México

La próxima aprobación de la reforma migratoria por la Administración de Obama – que pretende regularizar a 11 millones de emigrantes sin papeles, en su mayoría mexicanos – va acompañada, tras aprobarse una enmienda en el Senado por presión de los republic

Mexico Pursuing Vanished Victims of Its Drug Wars

Rosa González cannot shake the memory of the state investigator who was too afraid of reprisals to take a full report, the police officer who shrugged when the ransom demand came, the months of agonizing doubt and, most of all, the final words from her da