It’s Time to End the Drug War

Peruvian police with cocaine seized in a recent drug raid. A record 6.7 million metric tons was taken at the end of AugustEnrique Castro-Mendivil—ReutersA major new report makes the case for decriminalizing illicit drugs—all of themWhile the international news has been one depressing event after another this summer, there’s been an encouraging shift in one… Seguir leyendo It’s Time to End the Drug War

Commentary : End the War That No One Wants to Wage : Drugs: Legalizing certain substances may be the only way to stop violence, corruption and the collapse of law.

In the central-western canyons of the Mexican border state of Chihuahua, where waterfalls and abandoned mines blend in with secret landing strips and vertical mountain plots, the few remaining peasants can choose between cultivating corn on barren cliffs

Mexico’s former foreign minister on the Mexico-Canada relationship

Jorge Castaneda, Mexico’s former foreign minister and a professor at New York University, talks to the Globe and Mail’s editorial board about Mexico’s drug war, the country’s upcoming election in 2012, and its relationship with Canada.