On July 1, Mexico will in all likelihood vote the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), which ruled the country for seven decades, back into power. The PRI’s candidate, Enrique Peña Nieto, holds an insurmountable lead late in the campaign.
Categoría: Project Syndicate
Good times down Latin America’s way
For Latin America, 2011 was, in Frank Sinatra’s terms, a very good year – and 2012 doesn’t look like being so bad either.
Los BRICS y América Latina se equivocan
En la votación celebrada en las Naciones Unidas hace 64 años sobre lo que se conoció como la partición, a raíz de la cual se creó el Estado de Israel, y posteriormente se le otorgó la condición de miembro de pleno derecho, varios países latinoamericanos –
Thick as BRICS
― When the United Nations voted for what was known as partition and created the state of Israel 64 years ago, subsequently granting it full membership, several Latin American countries ― Brazil, El Salvador, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Honduras ― abstaine
Les têtes de mule du groupe BRICS
Lors du vote sur la résolution de l’ONU visant à créer une zone d’exclusion aérienne et de protection des civils en Libye, le Brésil, ainsi que trois autres pays du BRICS – La Russie, l’Inde et la Chine – se sont abstenus. Le quatrième, l’Afrique du Sud,
Thick as BRICS
When the United Nations voted for what was known as partition and created the State of Israel 64 years ago, subsequently granting it full membership, several Latin American countries – Brazil, El Salvador, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Honduras – abstained.
Wikileaks: pas de preuves accablantes sur l’Amérique Latine
S’il n’y a pas de preuves accablantes dans les révélations de Wikileaks sur la politique américaine en Amérique Latine, il s’y trouve un filon d’informations, de confirmations, de réflexions, et d’enseignements que la région pourra exploiter pour les anné
La pistola que no humeaba
En estos días, todo el mundo tiene -o tendrá pronto- su cable diplomático americano favorito, en vista de que en los 250 mil documentos obtenidos por WikiLeaks figuran referencias a casi todos los países del mundo…
The Non-Smoking Gun
Everyone these days, it seems, has their own favorite American diplomatic cable – or will soon – given that the 250,000 documents obtained by WikiLeaks include references to almost every country in the world…
Relative quiet in the region is only temporary
JORGE G. CASTAÑEDA.- The perpetual seesaw in Latin American geo-politics is more vibrant than ever. The so-called “Americas-1” countries — those that are either neutral in the confrontation between the United States and Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez