Commentary : End the War That No One Wants to Wage : Drugs: Legalizing certain substances may be the only way to stop violence, corruption and the collapse of law.

In the central-western canyons of the Mexican border state of Chihuahua, where waterfalls and abandoned mines blend in with secret landing strips and vertical mountain plots, the few remaining peasants can choose between cultivating corn on barren cliffs

In Mexico, dismay for the border ‘surge’ proposed in U.S. Senate immigration bill/Indigna a México el incremento de seguridad fronteriza

When Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said this week that the Senate immigration bill would transform the U.S.-Mexico boundary into “the most militarized border since the fall of the Berlin Wall,” it sounded to many here like a sensible statement of criticism./

Who can fix America’s immigration mess? Mexico.

Everyone, it seems, is remaking the United States’ immigration system. The Senate and the House have their respective gangs of eight; labor and business groups have their talks; and the White House has its say, along with dozens of lobbyists and advocacy