How John Bolton Botched Venezuela

Jorge G. Castañeda Oct. 8, 2019, 11:00 a.m. ET During John Bolton’s recently ended tenure as national security adviser, he convinced President Trump that the Venezuelan leader Nicolás Maduro was on the verge of losing power. Mr. Bolton is reported to have been the architect of the several failed attempts to unseat President Maduro, a frequent target… Seguir leyendo How John Bolton Botched Venezuela

Una crisis económica afectaría desproporcionadamente a América Latina

Jorge G. Castañeda La guerra comercial entre China y Estados Unidos, aunada a las señales de advertencia de una posible desaceleración de la economía mundial, han aumentado considerablemente las posibilidades de que el mundo entre en una recesión. Si bien casi todos los países se verán afectados, la prolongada debilidad económica y la fragilidad de… Seguir leyendo Una crisis económica afectaría desproporcionadamente a América Latina

The U.S. Should Act Before a Global Downturn Destabilizes Latin America

Jorge G. Castañeda The trade war between the United States and China, coupled with warning signs of a potential slowdown in the global economy, have sharply increased the chances that the world will fall into recession. While nearly every country will be impacted, longstanding economic weakness and the fragile state of its political institutions mean… Seguir leyendo The U.S. Should Act Before a Global Downturn Destabilizes Latin America

The Democratic Candidates Did Nothing to Appeal to Hispanic Voters

Jorge G. Castañeda Perhaps the most notable feature of the Democratic presidential debate in Houston on Thursday was what the candidates did not say about Latin America, immigration, asylum and border security. This was in stark contrast to the detail with which they addressed health care, education, gun control and the war in Afghanistan. Their… Seguir leyendo The Democratic Candidates Did Nothing to Appeal to Hispanic Voters

¿La socialdemocracia puede salvar a la democracia?

Jorge G. Castañeda En estos días hay un debate en el interior del Partido Demócrata estadounidense sobre qué tipo de candidato puede derrotar a Donald Trump en las elecciones presidenciales de Estados Unidos de 2020. Un candidato centrista atraerá a los electores republicanos moderados, pero tal vez desmovilice a los demócratas jóvenes, con estudios universitarios… Seguir leyendo ¿La socialdemocracia puede salvar a la democracia?

Of Course Americans Are Turning to Social Democracy

Jorge G. Castañeda There is a debate underway within the Democratic Party over what kind of candidate can beat Donald Trump in 2020. A centrist candidate will attract moderate Republican voters, but perhaps demobilize young, minority, college-educated Democrats. A more exciting, perhaps more radical candidate, will mobilize Democrats but scare away moderate Republicans. From the… Seguir leyendo Of Course Americans Are Turning to Social Democracy

Marta Harnecker y la muerte de la extrema izquierda latinoamericana

Jorge G. Castañeda La socióloga, politóloga y activista chilena Marta Harnecker, una de las expertas en teoría marxista más influyentes de la izquierda latinoamericana, murió el 15 de junio a los 82 años. Su libro Los conceptos elementales del materialismo histórico, escrito en 1969, tuvo un enorme impacto. Esa obra sobre marxismo —de prosa condensada,… Seguir leyendo Marta Harnecker y la muerte de la extrema izquierda latinoamericana

Marta Harnecker and the Death of the Latin American Hard Left

Jorge G. Castañeda The Chilean sociologist, political scientist and activist Marta Harnecker, one of the most influential Marxist theorists in the Latin American left, died on June 15 at the age of 82. One of her many books, “The Basic Concepts of Historical Materialism,” published in 1969, had far-reaching impact. The condensed, synthetic and accessible… Seguir leyendo Marta Harnecker and the Death of the Latin American Hard Left

Mexico, Stand Up to Trump Over Tariffs

Jorge G. Castañeda Last week President Trump said that beginning on June 10 the United States will impose a 5 percent tariff, which would gradually increase, on all goods coming from Mexico. Mr. Trump’s announcement could pose two big problems for Mexico: The so-called migration crisis at the United States-Mexican border and the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or… Seguir leyendo Mexico, Stand Up to Trump Over Tariffs

Is America Ready for a Welfare State?

Jorge G. Castañeda Several leading Democratic candidates in the 2020 US presidential race favor introducing elements of a modern welfare state in health care, childcare, and education. Whether a Democrat wins or loses in 2020, social democracy has re-emerged in American politics for the first time since the 1930s. MEXICO CITY – As a foreigner… Seguir leyendo Is America Ready for a Welfare State?