Colombia Turns Left

Jun 24, 2022JORGE G. CASTAÑEDA At a time of deep frustration with the status quo, the reasons for Gustavo Petro’s victory in Colombia’s presidential runoff are not difficult to discern. But it is much less clear whether Petro will be able to implement his ambitious reform agenda. MEXICO CITY – Gustavo Petro, a veteran left-wing… Seguir leyendo Colombia Turns Left

In Los Angeles, Biden makes the best of a lousy hand

Opinion: In Los Angeles, Biden makes the best of a lousy hand Opinion by Jorge G. Castañeda Updated 0051 GMT (0851 HKT) June 14, 2022 Biden made right call not inviting Cuba to Summit of the Americas, former Mexican FM says 15:58 Jorge G. Castañeda was Mexico’s foreign minister from 2000 to 2003. He is a… Seguir leyendo In Los Angeles, Biden makes the best of a lousy hand

The Post-Pandemic Safety Net

Apr 5, 2021JORGE G. CASTAÑEDA The coronavirus pandemic has sparked a rebirth of Keynesianism and the welfare state in Western Europe, Japan, Canada, and parts of Latin America, and changed the terms of US debate in ways that previously seemed almost unthinkable. Three examples show how the narrative is changing. MEXICO CITY – With the… Seguir leyendo The Post-Pandemic Safety Net

The U.S. Should Act Before a Global Downturn Destabilizes Latin America

Jorge G. Castañeda The trade war between the United States and China, coupled with warning signs of a potential slowdown in the global economy, have sharply increased the chances that the world will fall into recession. While nearly every country will be impacted, longstanding economic weakness and the fragile state of its political institutions mean… Seguir leyendo The U.S. Should Act Before a Global Downturn Destabilizes Latin America

Defending Democracy in the Americas

Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s inauguration as president of Mexico will soon be followed by Jair Bolsonaro’s accession to the presidency of Brazil and US President Donald Trump’s completion of two years in office. In each case, a populist leader’s rise could have been prevented, which should serve as a lesson for democrats everywhere.

Latin America’s Annus Mediocris

From a peace agreement in Colombia to major cross-border anti-corruption efforts, 2017 was shaping up to be a banner year for Latin America. Then came Donald Trump, whose threats of military intervention in Venezuela, together with anti-trade and anti-immigration policies at home, sent shock waves throughout the region.