En tiempos recientes han proliferado las voces en México y en América Latina según las cuales México antes ocupaba una posición mucho más cercana a la región, habiéndose debilitado los vínculos culturales, lingüísticos y religiosos. El gobierno de México,
Etiqueta: america
Time for America to Turn South
Whatever John Kerry does about Latin America if he is elected President of the United States in November, the election could initiate a sea-change in US-Latin American relations – even or perhaps mainly if George W. Bush is reelected. Kerry has never show
The right deal on Cuba
Despite the rhetoric and the photo-ops, the Trinidad Summit of the Americas postponed any real discussion of U.S. policy toward Cuba. In the U.S., the extremist embargo has been a sop to the right-wing and Florida electorate. But in countries like Mexico,
Stopping Latin America’s Budding Arms Race (copy)
In recent weeks, many observers of the Latin American military situation have detected what could be the beginning of a new arms race in the region. Brazilian President Luis Inacio “Lula” da Silva was photographed boarding the Tikuna, his country’s first
The Labyrinth of Graft (copy)
Corruption is not exactly a new phenomenon in Latin America. Indeed, corruption scandals have been a fixture on the region’s landscape since time immemorial. So there is nothing in principle new or surprising about the ongoing, almost endless drama that h
El Salvador: Left won, but can it govern?
MEXICO CITY — In El Salvador, for the first time ever in Latin America, a former political-military organization that tried to gain power through the barrel of a gun has achieved its aims through the ballot box. Although the Sandinista Front in Nicaragua
La ambigüedad de la victoria en El Salvador
La noche del domingo 15 de marzo fue, sin duda, la más feliz de la vida de Ramiro Abreu. Sesentón, regordete, de baja estatura, y provisto del par de ojos más azules e intensos que se hayan visto en los anales de la revolución latinoamericana, el encargad
Latin America’s Deafening Silence
To the myriad foreign challenges Barack Obama will have to confront upon taking office we may have to add a complex conundrum next door in Latin America. On three fronts that have posed serious problems for the United States before, there is a growing and
Simulación que hay entorno al legado de la Revolución.
Jorge Castañeda platica con Ciro Gómez Leyva acerca de la simulación que hay entorno al legado de la Revolución.
Designación de Gómez Mont como secretario de Gobernación.
Jorge Castañeda platica con Ciro Gómez Leyva acerca de la designación de Gómez Mont como secretario de Gobernación.