In Los Angeles, Biden makes the best of a lousy hand

Opinion: In Los Angeles, Biden makes the best of a lousy hand Opinion by Jorge G. Castañeda Updated 0051 GMT (0851 HKT) June 14, 2022 Biden made right call not inviting Cuba to Summit of the Americas, former Mexican FM says 15:58 Jorge G. Castañeda was Mexico’s foreign minister from 2000 to 2003. He is a… Seguir leyendo In Los Angeles, Biden makes the best of a lousy hand

Jorge Castañeda on why America’s civilisation will prevail

The United States remains the world’s indispensable power. Good, says the former foreign minister of Mexico The Economist Aug 31st 2021 BY JORGE CASTAÑEDA This By-invitation commentary is part of a series by global thinkers on the future of American power—examining the forces shaping the country’s global standing. Read more here. THE ALARM about American “declinism”… Seguir leyendo Jorge Castañeda on why America’s civilisation will prevail

Mexico’s López Obrador Is Pulling an Erdogan on Biden

By reducing U.S.-Mexican relations to migration, Biden is letting himself be played—and ignoring a crisis south of the border. By Jorge Castañeda, a professor at New York University and former Mexican foreign minister. JULY 9, 2021, 11:45 AM Mexico was never a priority for U.S. President Joe Biden’s foreign-policy agenda—and still isn’t. But the border and… Seguir leyendo Mexico’s López Obrador Is Pulling an Erdogan on Biden

Biden Should Not Ignore Mexico’s Turn to Authoritarianism

April 30, 2021, 3:00 p.m. ET   By Jorge G. Castañeda Dr. Castañeda is a political scientist and a frequent commentator of U.S. relations with Mexico and Latin America. He was foreign minister of Mexico from 2000 to 2003. His most recent book is America Through Foreign Eyes. Leer en español MEXICO CITY — There is no… Seguir leyendo Biden Should Not Ignore Mexico’s Turn to Authoritarianism

The Post-Pandemic Safety Net

Apr 5, 2021JORGE G. CASTAÑEDA The coronavirus pandemic has sparked a rebirth of Keynesianism and the welfare state in Western Europe, Japan, Canada, and parts of Latin America, and changed the terms of US debate in ways that previously seemed almost unthinkable. Three examples show how the narrative is changing. MEXICO CITY – With the… Seguir leyendo The Post-Pandemic Safety Net

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From Riots to Reform in America Jun 3, 2020JORGE G. CASTAÑEDA Mass protests and rioting following the killing of yet another African-American by a white police officer have compounded multiplying crises in the United States. Between the COVID-19 pandemic, a looming economic depression, and persistent racism, the American social contract has never been in more… Seguir leyendo Sin título