Rounding up the killers of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officer Jaime Zapata will not curtail Americans’ voracious appetite for mind-altering substances.
Etiqueta: country
California’s Prop 19, on legalizing marijuana, could end Mexico’s drug war
On Nov. 2, Californians will vote on Proposition 19, deciding whether to legalize the production, sale and consumption of marijuana. If the initiative passes…
A Paralyzed Democracy
JORGE G. CASTAÑEDA.- Mexico’s 2012 presidential election gets underway, a national conversation has finally begun on the country’s future. Thanks in part to the recently published book A Future for Mexico, which I coauthored with Héctor Aguilar Camín…
The so-called ‘War on Drugs’ a complete failure
MARIANA MARTÍNEZ.- There was never a spike in violence or a sharp increase in drug addiction in Mexico, guns are not, mainly, coming from the US — and traffic is not likely to stop –, and the infiltration of crime organizations in the Mexican government i
Elections can’t solve all ills
ABRAHAM F. LOWENTHAL.-This year has seen many national elections in Latin America: in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, El Salvador, Honduras, Panama and Uruguay. And elections are scheduled in Colombia and Brazil, among other countries, in 2010.
The Danger Across the Border
From the magazine issue dated Feb 2, 2009
Over the past several weeks Mexicans have become obsessed with what they believe is an American obsession that Mexico has become or could be on the way to becoming a “failed state.” It began with a highly critical
Overthrowing Pinochet
Chileans have a lot on their minds these days. Last week they recalled, regretted or celebrated the 35th anniversary of the Sept. 11 military coup that overthrew their democratically elected Socialist president, Salvador Allende. Later this year, the citi
United Nations: A Bitter Defeat for Chávez
Three things are clear regarding Venezuela’s campaign to land a seat on the United Nations Security Council. First and foremost, flamboyant President Hugo Chávez has lost: after dropping 34 out of 35 votes in a head-to-head match against Guatemala (only t
Between Hanoi And Havana
At a recent meeting in Hanoi of a new global outfit called the Emerging Markets Forum, a group that is positioning itself as an emerging-economy, though business-oriented, alternative to Davos, participants were exposed to a fascinating perspective on the
.:: Mañana Forever? Mexico and the Mexicans::.
Why are Mexicans so successful in individual sports, but deficient in team play? Why do Mexicans dislike living in skyscrapers? Why do Mexicans love to see themselves as victims, but also love victims? And why, though the Mexican people traditionally avoi