Los motivos de Hamas

El ataque o invasión a Israel por Hamas —una de las tres grandes organizaciones palestinas— suscitará múltiples reflexiones en los días, semanas y meses que vienen. Se le compara ya en sus dimensiones y consecuencias a la Guerra de Yom Kippur de 1973, o en todo caso a la Guerra en Líbano de 2006. Por el momento, merece por lo menos dos comentarios preliminares.

La sombra de Allende en el Chile de hoy

Conmemorar un golpe de Estado puede ser difícil, sobre todo en América Latina, donde los golpes y los caudillos militares que suelen venir a continuación han sido cosa frecuente. El levantamiento del 11 de septiembre de 1973 que derrocó al presidente democráticamente electo de Chile Salvador Allende podría pasar por uno entre tantos.

Allende’s Shadow in Today’s Chile

Commemorating a coup d’état can be difficult, especially in Latin America, where coups, and the military caudillos that often follow, have been commonplace. The September 11, 1973, putsch that overthrew the democratically elected Chilean President Salvador Allende could be considered one of many.

Colombia Turns Left

Jun 24, 2022JORGE G. CASTAÑEDA At a time of deep frustration with the status quo, the reasons for Gustavo Petro’s victory in Colombia’s presidential runoff are not difficult to discern. But it is much less clear whether Petro will be able to implement his ambitious reform agenda. MEXICO CITY – Gustavo Petro, a veteran left-wing… Seguir leyendo Colombia Turns Left

The Battle for Boric’s Soul

Dec 22, 2021JORGE G. CASTAÑEDA In Caracas, Havana, Mexico City, and Buenos Aires, the standard-bearers of Latin America’s radical left have celebrated the result of Chile’s presidential election, apparently viewing the millennial leftist as one of them. But they might end up being disappointed. MEXICO CITY – Chile has long been something of a bellwether… Seguir leyendo The Battle for Boric’s Soul

Latin America’s Summer of Discontent

The assassination of Haiti’s president and protests in Cuba this month are in line with a long tradition of summertime crises in the Caribbean. But this year’s political unrest is likely to have more far-reaching effects than previous bouts of instability. MEXICO CITY – In the Caribbean, summer is when things happen. As the weather heats… Seguir leyendo Latin America’s Summer of Discontent

Mexico’s López Obrador Is Pulling an Erdogan on Biden

By reducing U.S.-Mexican relations to migration, Biden is letting himself be played—and ignoring a crisis south of the border. By Jorge Castañeda, a professor at New York University and former Mexican foreign minister. JULY 9, 2021, 11:45 AM Mexico was never a priority for U.S. President Joe Biden’s foreign-policy agenda—and still isn’t. But the border and… Seguir leyendo Mexico’s López Obrador Is Pulling an Erdogan on Biden

México deriva hacia el autoritarismo. Y Biden no debería ignorarlo

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO — No hay manera sencilla de lidiar con la migración proveniente de México y Centroamérica. No la hay en épocas de recesión económica y mucho menos durante una pandemia global. Esto es verdad tanto para México como para Estados Unidos. Es cierto sin importar que el gobierno estadounidense en turno sea uno… Seguir leyendo México deriva hacia el autoritarismo. Y Biden no debería ignorarlo

Biden Should Not Ignore Mexico’s Turn to Authoritarianism

April 30, 2021, 3:00 p.m. ET   By Jorge G. Castañeda Dr. Castañeda is a political scientist and a frequent commentator of U.S. relations with Mexico and Latin America. He was foreign minister of Mexico from 2000 to 2003. His most recent book is America Through Foreign Eyes. Leer en español MEXICO CITY — There is no… Seguir leyendo Biden Should Not Ignore Mexico’s Turn to Authoritarianism